Monday, June 25, 2007

To where we return to

To my Muslim readers, I wish to implore that we take time, for awhile to recite Al-Fatihah for the father of one of our bloggers, whom past away early morning, the 25th June 2007.

At times like these, it made me remember a recital we used to do when we were at school.

Tuhan ku
Aku tidak layak
Untuk syurga Mu
Tetapi aku juga tidak sanggup menanggung
Siksa neraka Mu
Oleh itu kurniakanlah
Ke ampunan Mu
Ampunkanlah dosaku
Sesungguhnya engkaulah pengampun
Dosa-dosa besar

Moga diberkati jenazah. Al-Fatihah


Anonymous said...

Al-Fatihah. May his ruh is blessed under Allah's Mawaddah and Rahmah..

Z.Y. said...

who's dad??

innalillah... this is musim orang "pergi" la... my frens pun ramai their relatives dah pergi..

sina said...

omega, thank you for your sweet sweet gesture...

anis majid