Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Watched a movie last night with my little sister. It was called Dear Frankie. Besides the fact that I've got a crush on Sharon Small, the whole movie was brilliant.

The sad truth is, I've actually watched the movie before. It was on the return flight from Vienna to Kuala Lumpur. I watched it 3 times in a row. Well you had to do something on a 13 hour flight innit! I am such a sucker for romantics and stories of the heart.

I betcha that deep down every man that you know, there is a soft spot for the emotional-train infused movies. Plus I got a certain deep admiration for British films.

Aha! The point. I actually kinda prefer foreign films as oppose to American-Hollywood bullshit. Reasons simply due to the fact that what Hollywood lacks is the potratyal of poignancy. The moment. A silence so intense, that no other form of visual representation can clearly represent the emotion but a simple motionless picture. At the same time, script. Hollywood tends to write to much babble. Sometimes scripts work, but the beauty of motion pictures is that its a MOTION PICTURE.

In a motion picture, the canvas is alive. Just like how people say about Salvadori Dali's work, "..frame by frame the images form". Images. Thats what saparates blockbusters with evergreens.

Ok, back to Frankie. Seriously, to all you lots out there, take a time out and watch this masterpiece.

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