Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm Back!!

For all you lots, those, you know who you are. The readers (that I presume exist), hail my coming!!! Right. Guys I must tell you that I had a blast. Langkawi was great. The whole vacation was definitely, yes definitely the much needed break I so much crave for. Ahhhh the pleasures.

And for that, I return to civilisation or what I would call the morbid living matrix of eat-sleep-sex(I wish)-work-sleep-eat. As usual, all the same to anybody who has left the office for more than a week, the piles of jobs to be done on the in ray, emails on the inbox, massages and all forms of 'whatnots' all present itself nicely tied with a red ribbon saying, "get your ass on this urgent pieces of shit"

But no. How I would forget the blis of the white sandy beaches? That I would not. For behold great readers, for the rest of my feeble time till 2007, I will, I pledge, I vow that every single stinking inch and iota of my blogging hours would be left to dedicate itself, to the one and only....majestic Le Vacation in Langkawi

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