Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Father And I

The holidays brought with it memories but the one I would cherish the most is time spent with dad.

Sometimes, we don't realise that we have soo much. Its just that we look too far and too wide to see the truth. Just like dad. Our lives did not start that rosy. I was born during the hard times. In the 1980's life was pretty tough back then in M'sia. On top of which the whole family was plonked to England as my dad was doing his PhD.

To be honest, I was the naughty one. The child who got the punch and the slap, well mostly mom did that but when dad does it, it can get very emotional. I guess for guys we dont realise how much our emotions effect our family as a father. Mom can say one thing but what a dad says can really hurt. Doncha agree?

So, let me just say we were at each others nerve (even now). But then, life took place. I started to go to college and uni and work. Start to meet so much more people out there with their different kinds and attitudes. Makes what dad is, actually nothing.

I often wonder sometimes how I can tolerate and try to work around pigheaded managers and useless contractors and subordinates, yet fail to understand the slightest remorse from dad if he says," ayah tak suka makan kat sini". I mean, yup he's got issues eating at a place infested with gawking loud youths at McDonalds. Whats wrong with that. And yet I would get a bit upset. Sheesh, talk about toleration , and I'm not married yet.

But its unfair that I show poised restraint from an emotional and unprofessional character at work but become slimy and a jerk at home. We cant have all that we want can we?

So, it was fun with dad at Langkawi. He went walking on the beach. Saw topless women and joked about it. Recalled about his life experience and wanted to share our enjoyment with his.

Dad. This is for you. You might not be that dastardly rich father who can give me a Skyline and a better job.. but you're still my dad. And I would'nt have it any other way.


Khalid Raffali said...


i love what u've done here. expressive and what not. hehe keep it up mate.

ms. ana said...

Bila nak update?
