Thursday, May 03, 2007

Lamanye ku menghilang..

Whoah! Susah giler dis couple if days nak find time to write. Worst things though is the fact that when you have the time, like now, punyelah banyak benda nak ditulis. Hehe. Patience Ahmad, patience.

Acat's wedding is coming, in a matter of weeks. Thinking nak buat stag night, tapi tak tahu ape nak buat yet. The temptation of renting whores does come to mind, but I think fornication before his wedding is not on my best bud's interest.

Then theres disco. You know what? I might sound lame to yuppies out there, but last time I was in a disco was at uni and that was under the pretext of me being employed as a technician installing all the peripherals. Senang cakap, kat M'sia nih, last time was I went at this salsa club belakang bukit bintang. Did realli enjoyed myself.

Ok. Dancing. Heheh. Guys if you knew me and Acat, that would be the last thing we will ever able to muster the courage to do. Dont get me wrong, goofing around is our forte', but grooving to beats ala' Usher or Justine T memang jauh skali. Then again, its a stag night! Shouldnt write off all possible idiotic ideas, kan?

Yo! Got this email from this girl. Hehe. Answers from when I tried to court her. Haha. Laugh on this. Amongst her reasons for rejection:

1) You're a realli nice guy
2) I feel I'm not the right one for you
3) There's things about me you dont know

Oh! Cmon! Is that the best you can do? Its like the 3 basic answers in the 10 ways to lose a guy manual. Cmon! Women! Be creative. Which comes to my point actualli. To the female of the species within my group, what lines have you guys used? Hehe. Need to update myself to be with the times. Makes it easy to leave it by when it comes.

Oh man! I got like loads of stuff yg I nak cerita tapi kan...memandangkan there is ...this much of space and attention a reader can ingest dalam sesingkat masa, I rasa keep it short and simple for now.

Right. So, off I go to organise the stag night. Any offers to be female strippers?


Anonymous said...

Is Reason #1 a really and truly plausible reason to reject someone? Does that imply she's not nice enough for you? Reason #2 sounds like the glib for "you're not the right one for me". And of course Reason #3 is an assumption that her life was an open book in another time, another life, which you don't want to know eh.

If you want original, try this la -"I am HIV positive, and for the time being there really is no future for us." (No, I have never used that excuse before.)

Stag night? Go deep sea fishing la. From the look of things,you wouldn't get the groom-to-be to be apart that long from the bride-to-be once they're married ;-)

omegasupreme said...

Whoah! Thats original. Will think of it when the situation occurs.

Deep sea fishing susah sikit. I donno how to fish!

Jannah said...

How about this excuse.

"Papa saya bilang penyokong Liverpool tidak boleh bercinta dengan penyokong Chelsea."

"By the decree of my father, no Liverpool supporter should ever get jiggie with a Chelsea fan."

You'll never walk alone.

Weh kalau acat dapat stag nite, ni nak demand kak juan pun dapat satu jugak. And no we will not use your expertise at male stripping en mad.

Z.Y. said...

go and read this book - "he's not that into you". it's a very popular read among women. maybe a guy can also benefit from it.

the girl's just not the one for u la maksudnya. doesnt matter what her reasons are. the jodoh is not yours for the taking with her. rileks. ada lagi.. this is not the end bro.

hey i guess we'll be meeting at acat's wedding lah! he sent me an invite. and one more thing - told my hubs abt acat's wedding and apparently, laki aku kenal juanita. they are frens of frens but lost contact gitu. so there u go! it's a damn small world eh... :)

Anonymous said...

Mari la kita beramai-ramai bersua muka di wedding acat-juan...heheh...

Khalid Raffali said...

bayah, awak pun actually ada dalam my list of invites oso..

toughcookie said...

ooppss... bayah i dah invite first. efficiency at its best.

ahmad... i volunteer as female stripper ;P

Anonymous said...

the pengantin-to-be, thanks for both invites! very honored indeed. tapi kan acat, i was actually assuming right away that i'll be invited to both sides. selamber je.hahaha.