Monday, April 09, 2007

Drawing the line

I perceive myself as lost and unlucky. That, from my point of view. Though, some, the rest who see me, they say I'm lucky , blessed and poignantly qouted as, "Lu ada onglah!"

They might have a point. But what point is it? Frankly, I do realise now how some people can just leave their comfortable and rewarding corporate job for something totally out of the box. Passion has got a lot to do with it. Passion for what you are doing.

For the sake of keeping into perspective, I will just stick to the main topic of me writing this love for music. Just to update everyone..I have finally found a group of mates who have met all my expectations when forming a band. The bassist is adaptable, with many styles to boot. The most prized possession..Idi, the drummer. Brilliant in every way. My sister, Nadya who brings the jazz to the sounds and my ever faithfull buddy Acat, who is the third heat.

To me this group is perfect. However..they are some complications. Idi, the prize..lives in Melaka and commutes every weekend just to jam with us. My sis nadya, though has good vocal articulation lacks the energy and volume to convey the demands of rock music. That plus her waivering stamina I fear will not sustain a 45 min gig. And last but not least.. my buddy Acat, who tries his best to help me within his tight schedule.

Then there is the impending possibility of my sis moving up to Kampar, Perak as UTAR will be positioned there. This happens to be the best employer my sister has had and her future is good in this university. She deserves the best

Again..just when things get throws you a curve ball and ur back to square one. The future of this band seems bleak.

But thats it? Maybe I am suppose to make a choice. Maybe this band thing is futile. A weak attempt at this moment to re-kindle the sparkle of life I once had. And this made me realise.. I've not moved on, in life at all.

My career, though to some may look illustrious, is actually me being very lucky and blessed by The Almighty. Just happen to be around a place where I stand out and the ol managemnt are looking for young blood. Place me beside my ol frends at collage or uni, and I would be a puny minute dot amongst the shine of their brilliance.

And what do I have to be proud for since I have earned honest money? Most of it wasted on cars and boy toys and women and non of which has been spent on charity. The worst is I lack the direction for charity. Most of the time, charity doesnt involve much money..just your time and attention. Something I do not do.

I'm jealous of my buddy Acat. Got a babe for a fiance'. Still got his mom and the best makes the best of his time with charity. People like his ex-wife do not deserve even an iota of his self.

Which comes to my point. I have to accept the buddy has moved on. He has got a reason to live more than ever now. Love in his life, he has found. As of me? Thats where the music comes in. The reason, the part where I can just let go and fall in an embrace of melodies and chorus.

The funny things is, I can see my selfish side turn up more than ever. I want the band to stick on. I want this magical music experiance to keep on forever. But where do I draw that deviding line between what can happen..and what will happen?

Nothing is forever. A line has to be drawn, one day..


Z.Y. said...

haro ahmad! this is zeeda, heidey's fren. acat told me u dah activate ur blog balik so i baca la.. like i told acat: kita kena bersusah2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian.. takpe, keep on putting effort into ur dreams. one day, good will come out of all of this..

omegasupreme said...

Thanx for the comment. Totally agree on that statement. But somehow, in reflection I think the frustration stems from the fact that maybe I believe I have done enuff.

Probably, my judgement, veiled by ego, forms an affirmation that I deserve something for where I have come from. I mean, 8 years since I lost love, laboured through so many situations I hoped that fate will turn to me and smile upon thee with a radiance of life in a form of anothers embrace.

Tapi, as always, I fall short, head first. Rezeki takde kot.

Btw, I hope Heydee's mom got well from denggi. The last msg I gave her (caused I call and couldnt get through) was to hope for all the best to her mom.

Tell her I'm sorry I havent contacted. I'm also sori Zeeda, but having gone through so much, I admit my selfishness in protecting my heart from further damage.

Being an engineer..I live by simple codes and functions. 5 attempts in establishing frendship. Failure to achieve result after 5 attempt..subject has no interest. Move on.

I'm sure Heydee's a nice sweet person. (I judge dis couse she's got a fren like u). Guess she's not interested. Understand.

As for the band...only time will tell.

Z.Y. said...

u shouldnt say that u've done enuf now cos only The Almighty can say when enuf is enuf.. don't la get frustrated, that will only deter ppl away. bukan takde rezeki - cuma jodoh belum sampai lagi.

heidey's mom dah baik, alhamdulillah. and thanks for saying:

I'm sure Heydee's a nice sweet person. (I judge dis couse she's got a fren like u).

that's so sweet of u.. we both appreciate that :)

i always say, never say never. so be prepared for a love of your life who will make u the happiest man on earth. she will come, trust me. bila jodoh u dah sampai, that is. just believe in that. and u'll feel calmer.

and gudlak to the band!

Anonymous said...

Now I just put two and two together. Are you the one who gave Acat the lilies for his birthday? Hehe. Good taste. I personally prefer lilies over roses.

Anyway, on your each his / her own, I suppose. I always believe there is a good thing in every person on earth. And by right should include our own selves, as we are part of the persons on earth, yes?

Love is when you can still love through all the hurt and the pain.

ms. ana said...

dude.. I was so glad to find out that you were making music again. And now reading about this tiny bump on the road.. I don't think you should let it get you down. After all you've been through, why give up now?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.