Monday, October 24, 2005


It had been a long day. October 24, 2005. Thats exactly 6 days since the major breakdown at the factory. Still not solved yet. Still thats not whats on my mind. A pair of tatterred Hush Puppies sat silently beneath my table. Its amazing these shoes. It really took in all the assult from the mixer room and managed to survive with minor cuts and injuries. Damn those good shoes!

Shoes. The fact that I don't change them as often merely reflects my atttitude toward things. Like these Hushy Pups. Should change them but, nah not now. Thing is I wouldn't think twice if this was some guitar accessory or engine upgrades. I guess I feel differently to things I am passionate about. But what about love?

You know, I kinda have a problem with that. I have never, ever went all out to pursue that 'person'. I had girlfrens. In fact, got only two. All of them, I actually had the extra advantage. They kinda fancied me first. So, just milk the situation furtherlah

So, this is my dilemma. I am torn, to pursue a person I like, knowing that she might or might not have the same feelings, or to hell with the bloody lass? Also, it does seem wierd that sometimes, priorities appear different given the context of the subject.

Hang on! Back to matters at hand. Damn those gears. Just had to pick up the right time to crashlah kan! Damn, I'm good at fixing things but I can't seem to mend my loneliness. Sometimes wish life was as straight forward like math. Which brings up an interesting point; if the equation culminating (circumstances)(chances)(action)(luck) equals to a life of loneliness, heartache, stress and sleepless nights, at which part do we wish things would change?

Should we change (circumstances)? How ofthen do we realise the resemblence?
Should we change (chances)? How often do we take them?
Should we change (actions)? How do we know which is the right one?
Should we change (luck)?.....Now thats a question by itself.

So, really really lost here. My life looks like the pitts literally. My grease-soaked fingers are testament to a life filled up with machine breakdowns and machine upgrades. Its all the factory. Need a change. Need a new scenary. Need...

Ah well. Doesn't matter anyway. Not like there's gonna be anyone reading this blog anyway. Right, back to the gears. What if I.......

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